So, we've passed the mid-point of October and NaNo is right around the corner. My fabulous hubby has been pushing me to start planning for this year's novel. Sadly, creativity is not something that can be planned. I have nothing ready to start writing. I've been thinking about it a lot hoping that some sort of idea will spark something in me. I originally toyed with the idea of writing a sequel to what I wrote last year. Cool, right? Too bad I can't find a direction to go on since I haven't finished editing yet. I keep hoping that maybe I'll get moving on last year's novel and that will push me into either a direction of a sequel or in another direction for a new novel idea. Nothing!
On the other side, I have been leafing through some new editing books for assistance on re-working my current project. I think that the one I'm currently going through is going to be a big help. I would highly recommend it for any aspiring fiction writers out there. It's called Self Editing for Fiction Writers. I'm still early on in the book but there have been quite a few helpful tips in there. I'm hoping that I'll find a lot as I move forward. Lord knows I need the help. I'm also using it as a push to get going on editing again. I haven't re-read what I've written in a couple months (like may authors suggest), so I'm thinking about printing it out and reading it. Maybe then I'll get somewhere. Only time will tell.